Sunday, July 17, 2016

Post-movie: Goodfellas

After watching if for the first time, shawn was highly impressed with the movie. He said that if he had to rate it on a scale of 1-10, he would give it a 9, which is actually really close to what IMDB gave the movie. Having seen the movie before, it still impressed me. I hadn't seen the movie since early highschool, so it had been 5-6 years since I'd seen it, and it was much better than I remember it being. Shawn said that he appreciates the chemistry between the actors, their interactions are really what made the movie feel so intense and work so well. We both also thought that the musical score of this movie was phenomenal, and leagues above most movies.
For a play by play review of our thoughts as they occurred, check #ClassicMoviesWithJakeAndShawn on twitter, or my twitter profile JakeJHutchinson

Pre-movie: Goodfellas

My roommate Shawn has decided to work his way from the top of IMDB's 250 (Movie list) best movies of all time to the bottom of the list. He is skipping movies he has already seen and watching the ones he has not. I have decided to tag along on this adventure, and document it for the world. I am jumping in on movie number 17, Goodfellas. I am going to live tweet our impressions of the movie, as well as writing a wrap up blog post with our final opinions on Goodfellas back here when we are done.
Follow the live tweet with the #ClassicMoviesWithJakeAndShawn or follow my twitter at Jakes Twitter if you are interested in following along with us.